Kudos to Ronald Lammy in Commemoration of Caribbean American Heritage Month
As we celebrate Caribbean-American Heritage Month in June “to honor the achievements and contributions of Caribbean immigrants and their descendants living in the United States,” we congratulate our own Ronald Lammy, who co-leads LFU’s senior citizens support initiative in Linden. His 2023 National Caribbean American Community Leaders President’s Volunteer Service Award reminds us of the incredible efforts and service of Ronald and his fellow awardees over the years that led to this historic June month designation. #service #caribbeanheritagemonth

Congrats to LFU Agricultural Intern Dexter Pellew on Winning “Best Debater” Award
LFU’s 2024 Agricultural Internship Project Manager and University of Guyana (UG) student, Dexter Pellew, was awarded the prize of Best Debater representing UG’s Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences. We’re incredibly proud of Dexter, who was a 2022 Agricultural Intern (our first cohort). His team successfully argued that the media is NOT the most important entity in the fight against the environmental crisis, triumphing over the team from the Faculty of Social Sciences. Kudos to Dexter and team mates Christal Craig and Ariel Young! #teamwork

LFU 25th Anniversary Keepsake Calendars on Sale
Our special 25th Anniversary print calendar, June 2024-December 2025, features pictures of recognizable locations and scenes in and around Linden, Guyana. A few of the selected images were taken by Lindeners at home and in the Diaspora and submitted during a short online photo contest. Gracing the pages of most of the months in this 18-month publication are well-known Guyanese proverbs that we grew up hearing. Calendars are available at events and can also be mailed to your home, $8US each, plus shipping and handling. Put in your order today. Or email us at lfu_secretary@lindenfund.org.

Supporting Rufus K. McCammon Memorial Scholarship Fundraising Tea Party
LFU members came out to support a wonderful Tea Party on June 8 in Manalapan, NJ, to raise funds to support the college-level Rufus N. McCammon Memorial Scholarship, administered by Linden Fund USA. Our thanks to Mrs. Anne McCammon and family, especially the hosts, Dawn and Owen McPherson. LFU values the opportunity to collaborate in this funded scholarship awarded to Lindener Akeam Williams to attend the University of Guyana. LFU is committed to supporting the educational aspirations of Linden and Region 10 youths. #collaboration

Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 21, 12 am - 7pm
It’s that time of year again, to enjoy a relaxing day in the park with family, friends, food, and fun. LFU’s annual Family Fun Day event takes place in Cedar Brook Park, Plainfield, NJ. Come out for fun and support the fundraiser.

Listening to Senior Citizens in Linden
In April 2024, LFU surveyed over 225 seniors during Linden Town Week to learn about their lives. 70% of those surveyed expressed a desire to go to a location to meet up with friends, highlighting a strong preference for social interaction and community engagement, while 81% wanted to see more activities in the community designed specifically for them. In response, LFU will begin hosting a Senior Lime every quarter, in partnership with Ladies on a Mission (L.O.A.M). The first event takes place on July 31 on the lawns of our building. Seniors are confirming their participation at a rapid rate. LFU is committed to supporting the elders in our community!

Reserve your tickets NOW for our 25th Anniversary Gala on October 5
The long-awaited 25th Anniversary Gala will be held on October 5 at the elegant Antun’s in Queens, NY. We created a special page on our recently launched website just for our patrons to buy tickets and purchase Ads to support our commemorative Journal. Five years ago, our 20th anniversary drew almost 300 guests. Reserve your ticket now as it’s going to be another grand reunion of Lindeners in the Diaspora! LFU@25: Serve, Invest, Build, Transform
